Tangalooma Wrecks, ONE of southeast Queensland’s most iconic tourism spots, is the perfect spot to explore, admire with a sense of mystery, and imagine what happened to the rusting bones of old ship hulls.
Fifteen vessels were deliberately sunk to form a breakwall for small boats, whilst also creating an amazing wreck dive and snorkel site. Snorkelling and scuba diving at this site is an incredible adventure. The crystal clear waters provide fantastic visibility to view marine life and coral formations such as wobbegongs, trevally, kingfish yellowtail and an array of tropical fish.
The Wrecks are not far off the beach so it is possible to swim out to them if you are wanting to explore.
I have been looking for underwater housing for my Nikon D500 camera, but as I hadn't decided on what to purchase before our trip, after much research I decided on the Olympus TG-4 underwater camera. I chose this camera because of it's many features and reviews: bright f2.0 lens, Microscope Mode, a variety of underwater modes, GPS and it's ability to also shoot in RAW format underwater; and as it's name eludes to "TG-4 Tough", it's ability to perform in any environment, including rocky terrain and snow.
All photos were taken with the Olympus TG-4 Tough camera.
I haven't included any commentary below on the photos - I hope they speak for themselves. No editing has been undertaken, apart from adjusting white balance in LR and saving from RAW format.
No underwater lighting was used. Internal camera flash was used on some of the photos. This was our first underwater shoot with a camera, so no special techniques were used. Practice, time and research will help create a much better quality of photography.